This is Javax0

This is the new Javax0 blog. The old blog started in 2013 was hosted at The editing, maintaining, and whatnot was a bit too cumbersome. Therefore, I started this site. Technical details of blogging are in the article.

Content License

The blog content can be used governed by the Creative Commons License

CC BY icon

Commenting Policy

For commenting, I use Disqus. Comments are moderated.

I will delete inappropriate comments, especially unsolicited advertisements, spams and unrelated comments. I also delete meaningless comments; like "Hey, I like it". They were numerous in the previous site for some reason, I can only suspect.

I delete comments, which are racists, offensive, sexists etc. I have never encountered any of those in the last ten years on this blog.

However, I do NOT delete a comment if I do not like it, or is offensive against me.


If you want to contribute to an article, you are welcome. You will be on the article as author. It is not too common, but has happened in the past. The best way is forking the blog repo, adding the article and making a pull request.

The blog repository is

The repository contains the Asciidoc files, the Jamal files, and the occasional source codes for the articles.

I retain the right to accept or reject any article without explanation. But it is only a right that I retain, I may not exercise it.

If you find a typo, or something to correct in an article or the code the article is referencing, then fork, modify, pull request.